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时间:2022-12-26 22:36来源:毕业论文




Under the new situation GREE Bo company inventory management adjustment

Abstract With the gradual change in the concept of business and the gradual increase in global competition, GREE and other manufacturing companies, faced with a huge pressure on the cost of inventory。 In this paper, through the establishment of inventory management model, so as to optimize inventory management measures to improve the profit space。Based on the background of the current situation of the inventory management of GREE company, the important role of inventory management in enterprise is analyzed by the method of data comparison, case analysis and so on。 At the same time, the use of Pareto classification, so that enterprises to support the classification of parts, focusing on the key components of the control, updating the inventory management model。 Depending on the economic order quantity model, the optimal order quantity is determined to solve the problem that the enterprise is not standardized。 JIT transformation of the enterprise, so that enterprises in order to update the GREE Bo company's inventory management model, reduce costs。 It provides a theoretical basis for enterprises to adopt reasonable inventory management mode。

Keywords: Inventory management, Pareto classification, economic order quantity, JIT method




第一章 绪论 1

1。1研究背景 1

1。2库存研究意义 1

1。3国内外研究综述 2

1。4研究内容和技术路线 3

第二章 库存管理的相关理论方法 5

2。1库存管理的基本概念 5

2。2库存管理方法 5

2。2。1帕累托分析法 5

2。2。2  JIT控制法 6

2。2。3经济订货批量模型 6

第三章  格力博公司库存现状分析 8

3。1格力博公司简介 8

3。2格力博的库存管理问题 8

3。2。1安全库存的设置缺乏合理性 9

3。2。2库存管理方法简单,无针对性 9

3。2。3企业与供应商缺乏协同合作 10

3。2。4库存控制人员及物控人员专业素养偏低 10

3。3格力博公司应解决的问题 JIT方法成本上升形势下格力博公司库存管理研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_115220.html
