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时间:2023-03-22 22:54来源:毕业论文


Abstract:The continuous development of the Internet era, so that the impact of the network on people's lives have been through the basic necessities of life, the tourism industry is no exception。 On the other hand, the improvement of living standards, people are increasingly satisfied with the material life, the requirements of spiritual life is also improving, under the influence of a variety of factors, online travel business opportunities were explored。 So in such a temptation to a great cake in front of a variety of online travel enterprises continue to emerge。 How to gain greater market share in a competitive environment, marketing strategy is particularly important。 This paper has compiled a large number of Chinese and foreign literature, the representative content of the journal as a review, based on the consumer perspective, the domestic and international online marketing platform marketing strategy development and development, and its research status analysis。Based on the basis of pre-research, and then through the semi-structured interviews on the face-to-face interviews with consumers, the interview data based on root coding and analysis。The purpose is to understand how the domestic online travel platform marketing strategy of consumer preferences。Finally, the online tourism platform marketing strategy formulation and implementation of effective recommendations。

毕业论文关键词:在线旅游; 营销策略; 消费者偏好

Keyword: Online travel; Marketing strategy; Consumer preferences

目    录

1 引言 3

1。1选题背景与意义 3

1。1。1旅游市场的持续发展 3

1。1。2在线旅游的发展和竞争 3

1。1。3研究意义 3

1。2研究方法和内容 4

1。2。1研究方法 4

1。2。1研究内容 4

2文献综述 5

2。1 在线旅游平台营销策略研究的相关文献 5

2。1。1营销策略理论 5

2。1。2在线旅游平台的营销策略 5

2。2消费者偏好相关文献 6

2。2。1消费者偏好相关理论 6

2。2。2消费者偏好相关研究 6

2。3对国内外研究和相关文献的总结 6

3 我国在线旅游行业的营销策略分析 7

3。1国内在线旅游行业营销策略的归纳 在线旅游平台营销策略研究消费者视角:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_151059.html
