    常熟市东邻太仓,距上海100公里;南接昆山、 苏州;西接无锡、江阴;北濒长江黄金水道,与南通隔江相望;西北境与张家港接壤。常熟市水陆交通便捷,境内公路密布。204国道贯穿全境,苏常线连接沪宁高速公路。苏嘉杭高速公路、沿江高速公路、苏通长江大桥和规划中的沿江铁路在境内交汇,使常熟成为华东地区的重要交通枢纽。近年来为了促进乡村经济的发展,常熟市大力发展乡村道路建设.6000
    关键词: 省道;经济发展;乡村公路
    Jiangsu highway 338 (S338) is an important channel of Jiangsu Province, the starting point for the Liuhe Town Taicang city Jiangsu Province, the terminus for the junction of highway 243 and Zhenjiang city, a distance of about 220 kilometers。The provincial highway through Suzhou Taicang, Suzhou Changshou City, Suzhou Zhangjiagang, Wuxi Jiangyin, Changzhou New District, Zhenjiang Danyang, Zhenjiang Dantu District, Zhenjiang city.。Changshou City east of Taicang, 100 kilometers away from Shanghai; south of Kunshan, west of Wuxi, Suzhou; Jiangyin; north is close to Yangtze River, across the river and the Nantong ,border northwest border with Zhangjiagang.Changshou City has convenient transportation and developed highway traffic.204 National Road runs through the whole territory, Su Chang line connecting Shanghai-Nanjing expressway.Along the railway connecting Su Jiahang highway, highway along the Yangtze River, Su-Tong Yangtze River bridge, Changshu become an important transport hub in East china.In recent years, in order to promote the development of rural economy, Changshou City is vigorously developing rural road construction.
    Jiangsu highway 338 (S338) is an important channel of Jiangsu Province, the starting point for the Liuhe Town Taicang city Jiangsu Province, the terminus for the junction of highway 243 and Zhenjiang city, a distance of about 220 kilometers。The provincial highway through Suzhou Taicang, Suzhou Changshou City, Suzhou Zhangjiagang, Wuxi Jiangyin, Changzhou New District, Zhenjiang Danyang, Zhenjiang Dantu District, Zhenjiang city.。Changshou City east of Taicang, 100 kilometers away from Shanghai; south of Kunshan, west of Wuxi, Suzhou; Jiangyin; north is close to Yangtze River, across the river and the Nantong ,border northwest border with Zhangjiagang.Changshou City has convenient transportation and developed highway traffic.204 National Road runs through the whole territory, Su Chang line connecting Shanghai-Nanjing expressway.Along the railway connecting Su Jiahang highway, highway along the Yangtze River, Su-Tong Yangtze River bridge, Changshu become an important transport hub in East china.In recent years, in order to promote the development of rural economy, Changshou City is vigorously developing rural road construction.
    KeyWords:provincial road;economic development;country road
    1  引言1
    1.1  概述•1
      1.1.1  公路运输特点•1
    1.1.2  我国公路现状•1
    1.1.3  我国公路发展规划1
    2  设计概况2
    2.1  设计任务•2
    2.2  任务要求•2
    2.3  设计资料、参数•2
    2.4  自然地理条件•3
    3  路线平面设计4
    3.1  选线•4
    3.1.1  选线原则•4
    3.1.2  选线成果•5
    3.2  平面设计的基本要求•6
    3.2.1  一般规定•6
    3.2.2  直线•7
    3.2.3  圆曲线•8
    3.2.4  缓和曲线•8
    3.2.5  平面视距的保证•9
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