    关键词: 镇江;地理;交通;公路
    Design overall direction
    Zhenjiang is located in the southwest of Jiangsu Province, the city's Hilly to yellow brown soil, loess mainly to the hill, plain in gleyed paddy soil. Zhenjiang land area 3847 square kilometers, with a population of 3114500 people. Highway is an important infrastructure of the national economy, to the end of 2012, the city's total highway mileage of 7068.464 km per 100 square kilometers, land area of highway 183.74 km, average every ten thousand population has 22.70 kilometers of roads. The city's highway mileage of 263.796 kilometers (National Highway 124.39 km), 400.082 kilometers highway, county road 1082.685 kilometers, 2337.237 kilometers rural road, village road 2964.261 km, 20.403 km road. The city's highway mileage of 7068.464 kilometers, accounting for 100% of the total mileage. The 182.105 km highway, a highway 714.487 km, two highway 894.163 kilometers, three highway 626.538 kilometers, four highway 4651.171 kilometers; the high road mileage of 6109.249 kilometers, the rate of pavement, 86.4%. Simple pavement (Senior) mileage of 105.625 kilometers, not pavement (low, intermediate, no road mileage of 853.59 kilometers).
    The bus traversing urban main sections. Male iron overpasses, make interlaced built in railways, highways continuous vehicles on unimpeded. The region ground ups and downs、hills, continuous high on only DengWaiLu against urban associate and foreign development along the sand material, rich, have small quarry and lime factory, provides good subbase materials, construction when can adjust measures to local conditions, use local materials; This project is  the main highways in Zhenjiang, can not only ease traffic situation, development, and promoting regional economic expansion of small factory production enterprises, so can mobilize the enthusiasm of the broad masses road, through a variety of channels, many forms of raise money, therefore, in order to achieve a convenient and quick, promote economic development request、 necessary, have the ability to build a level higher traded between the highway.  
    KeyWords: Zhenjiang;geography;traffic;road
    1  引言1
    1.1  概述•1
      1.1.1  公路运输特点•1
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