    关键词:多元化; 品牌延伸; 恒大集团
    With China's accession to the WTO and global economic integration, Chinese enterprises are faced with more opportunities for development at the same time is also facing fierce competition from foreign enterprises of the same and brand extension to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises have an important role. In this paper, Hengda Group brand extension strategy is analyzed, through the analysis found that Hengda Group is an important reason for the success of the brand extension is Hengda in different periods to extend different strategies, and the horizontal extension, vertical extension and other extension strategy together, take specific Hengda Group in brand extension the strategy includes the extension of the product line and diversified extension, initial extension products production line for Hengda Group development, and extend the diversification strategy for Hengda Group development to a certain scale; finally, Hengda Group in the brand extension success experience is summarized, including the core competitive advantage is the foundation, linkage brand enterprises diversified brand extending the depth of moderation, make full use of existing products and extension products Role and the choice of appropriate extension fields, etc..

    Key Words:Diversification; Brand extension;Evergrande group
    目  录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    一、引言    1
    研究背景和意义    1
    ㈡ 研究方法    2
    二、文献综述    3
    ㈠ 外国品牌延伸策略研究状况    3
    ㈡ 国内品牌延伸策略研究情况    5
    三、多元化品牌延伸的相关理论    6
    ㈠ 多元化和品牌延伸的概念    6
    ㈡ 企业采取品牌延伸的驱动力    8
    四、恒大集团品牌延伸策略的案例分析    8
    ㈠ 恒大集团基本情况    8
    ㈡ 恒大集团品牌定位和核心竞争力    9
    ㈢ 恒大集团品牌延伸策略分析    10
    ㈣ 恒大集团品牌延伸的经验    14
    五、结论    15
    ㈠ 主要观点    16
    ㈡ 局限性    17
    参考文献    18
    致    谢    19
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