摘 要:随着城市的发展和人民生活水平的提高,污水排放量日益增大,且污水成分日趋复杂,如果污水不经处理后直接排放到地表水中,会严重影响居民的生活;随着国家对环保的高度重视,地表水水质已被列入重点整治对象,如果发现偷排废水至地表水中,将会受到法律的严重制裁。因此,污水的治理具有重要的意义。文章针对淮安市地表水治理现状和存在的污染状况,从所选取地表水源中所含的溶解氧、高锰酸盐、氨氮和总磷数值分析淮安市水污染的原因,从而根据实际情况,提出淮安市水体污染的治理对策。85862
Abstract:With the development of the city and the improvement of people's living standards, the sewage discharge is increasing day by day, and the sewage composition becomes more and more complicated。 If the sewage is discharged directly into the surface water without treatment, it will seriously affect the residents' attaches great importance to the surface water quality has been included in the focus of remediation targets, if found that waste water to surface water, will be severely punished by the law。 Therefore, the governance of sewage has important significance。 Based on the analysis of the present situation and the existing pollution situation in Huai'an, this paper analyzes the causes of water pollution in Huai'an from the dissolved oxygen, permanganate, ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus in the selected surface water source。 Based on the actual situation, countermeasures of water pollution in Huai'an City。
Keywords:Water pollution, governance measures, Huaian City
目 录
1前言 4
2淮安市水资源概况 4
3淮安市地表水质分析 4
3。1水质达标率分析 8
3。2水污染物指数分析 9
3。2。1高锰酸盐指数来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766 走势图 9
3。2。2氨氮指数走势图 10
3。2。3总磷指数走势图 11
3。3水污染空间分析 11
4淮安市水污染防治对策 12
4。1提高水体溶解氧指数 12
4。2增加河道治理投入 12
4。3严格控制企业水污染物排放 12
4。4提高市民环境保护意识 13
4。5兴建生活垃圾处理基础设施 13
结论 14
参考文献 15
致谢 16
1 前言