    摘  要:随着经济的发展与社会的进步,人们越发追求更高的生活品质,汽车由原来的奢侈品也逐步过渡为一种大众主流的生活用具。近年来,中国凭借自身资源品,劳动力以及国内巨大市场等方面的优势,已成为全球最具潜力的汽车产品消费市场。当今汽车市场竞争激烈,产品质量参差不齐,在产品、服务、经营策略等方面也并不能使企业满足、消费者满意。面对巨大的市场,汽车的生产商,经销商都希望快速有效的占据着市场,对此行业市场研究也是必不可少的。若想在市场上拥有独一无二的地位,就需要充分了解差异化营销策略在汽车行业的应用。因此,本文从差异化营销的理论入手,对汽车行业中差异化营销的策略进行详细的阐述,尝试在差异化营销相关理论的指导下,结合中国汽车行业发展态势,探讨汽车行业差异化营销策略的出路。31476
    The Difference of Marketing Strategy -- Take The Automobile Industry as An Example
    Abstract:With the development of economy and society, people are pursuing higher quality of life, and the car from the original luxury gradually to a popular life tool. In recent years, China has become the world's most potential consumer market with its own resources, labor and domestic huge market.. Today, the automotive market is highly competitive, the product quality is uneven, in the product, service, business strategy and other aspects can not meet the enterprise, consumer satisfaction. In the face of the huge market, the car manufacturers, dealers want to quickly and effectively occupy the market, the industry market research is also essential. In order to have a unique position in the market, it is needed to fully understand the application of differentiation marketing strategy in the automotive industry. Therefore, this article from the start with the difference of marketing theory, for the automotive industry in poor alienation marketing strategies are described in detail, try to under the guidance of related theory of marketing of the differences, combined with the development trend of the automobile industry in China to explore way of auto industry, differentiated marketing strategy.
    Key Words:Differential marketing;Market segmentation;The car industry
    目    录
    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、差异化营销的概述    2
    (一)差异化营销概念回顾    2
    (二)差异化营销对汽车行业的意义    3
    二、汽车行业现状分析    3
    (一)汽车行业市场发展经历    3
    (二)汽车行业市场发展趋势    4
    三、汽车行业差异化营销策略分析    4
    (一)产品差异化分析    4
    (二)服务差异化分析    6
    (三)需求差异化分析    7
    (四)营销渠道差异化分析    8
    四、差异化营销策略在汽车行业实施的建议    9
    (一)实施差异化应注意的问题    9
    (二)实施差异化的建议    11
    参考文献    13
    致谢    14
    伴随着中国经济的高速发展,中国汽车的生产,销售量也迅猛增加。中国已成为潜力最大的汽车市场。据中汽协分析:2010年,我国汽车工业延续了上年发展态势,在购置税优惠、以旧换新、汽车下乡、节能惠民产品补贴等多种鼓励消费政策叠加效应的作用下,汽车产销双双超过1800万辆,分别为 1826.47万辆和1806.19万辆,同比分别增长32.44%和32.37%,产销再创新高,刷新全球历史记录[1]。汽车工业的发展和汽车产销量的增加,使得国内众多汽车厂家重新审视自己的营销模式,为取得更大的市场份额开拓创新。经过多年的发展,我国汽车营销模式取得了长足的进步,营销模式正在向多样化方向发展,这符合当前汽车市场发展阶段的特点和汽车消费群体的不同需求,适应市场差异化、消费个性化要求。
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