    关键词: 在沪农民工子女;入口教育;升学问题
    Entrance Education of the Migrant Workers’ Children in Baoshan District, Shanghai
    Abstract: While many migrant workers work in city, the society pays more attention to the entrance education of the migrant workers’ children. This paper takes the method of unstructured interviews. This paper reveals the phenomenon that entrance education of the migrant workers’ children in compulsory education aspect has been mainly solved, while the Government “Two as the Core” policy’s introduction and many years’ practice, but the phenomenon of entrance education of the migrant workers’ children in secondary education aspect is so urgent, and the voice of study in another area is so high. Through the research on the stage of compulsory education and the entrance of secondary education,household registration system、social stratification and income are the institutional opportunistic conditional obstruction of entrance education problem of the migrant workers’ children. All in all, this paper considers that we should combine household registration system with social mobility mechanism and so on, and focus on the entrance education of the migrant workers’ children in secondary education, and solve the problem of entrance education of the migrant workers’ children further.
    Key Words: Migrant works’ Children in Shanghai; Entrance Education; Entering Problem
    目  录

    一、绪    论    1
    (一)研究缘起    1
    (二)文献回顾    1
    (三)核心概念的界定    3
    (四)研究方案    3
    二、农民工子女入口教育的现状描述    4
    (一)义务教育阶段的入口教育现状    4
    (二)中等教育阶段的入口教育现状    5
    三、农民工子女入口教育的问题归因    6
    (一)户籍是农民工子女入口教育的制度症结    6
    (二)分层是农民工子女入口教育的机会障碍    6
    (三)收入是农民工子女入口教育的制约因素    7
    四、农民工子女入口教育的改进方法    8
    (一)加速户籍制度的改革,建立与教育体制的“沟通桥梁”    8
    (二)提高农民工社会地位,建立合理的社会阶层流动体制    8
    (三)加大政策的扶持力度,建立有法可依且必依的法治秩序    9
    五、结论与讨论    10
    (一)结论    10
    (二)讨论    11
    致    谢    12
    参考文献    13
    附录:访谈对象基本情况    14
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