    摘要近年来,随着互联网技术的完善和电子商务的持续发展,我国网民数量急剧飙升,同时也造就了一大批网络购物能手。据国家互联网信息中心CNNIC 发布的《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》统计显示,截至2014年6月,我国达到6.32亿这样一个庞大的网民队伍。据艾瑞咨询统计,我国2014年电商达到12.3万亿元的交易数额,同比2013年增长了21.3%。面对电子商务的低成本、高增长,越来越多的企业认识到,在信息产业快速发展的时代,实现自身电子商务的发展已成为刻不容缓的发展战略,也是在激烈的竞争环境中得以生存和发展的重要条件。45806
    毕业论文关键词:电子商务; 传统家居建材行业; O2O模式; 齐家网
    In recent years, with the improvement of the Internet technology and the sustainable development of e-commerce, the number of China's cyber citzens have soared, and therefore created a large number of online shopping businesses. According to the China Internet Development State Report , published by the National Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), as of June 2014, there has been such a large group of  Internet users of 632 million in China. Statstics from Iresearch shows that in 2014, China’s electric business trade has reached 12.3 trillion yuan in 2013, with a  year-on-year growth of 21.3%. In the face of the low cost, high growth of e-commerce, more and more enterprises have realized that in the era of rapid development of information industry,  online business has become an urgent development strategy, which will be a crucial factor of surviving and developing  in the fierce competion environment.
    In 2014, China Building Decoration Association announced that the sum of business transactions in China's household building materials industry market was expecting to reach 4.0709 trillion yuan, including 119.7 billion yuan in transactions of E-Commerce, with a growth of nearly 50% year-on-year comparing with that of 2013. So some enterprises is gradually shifting their focuses to the filed of home furnishing using O2O e-commerce model, which has brought a great impact on traditional business model of household building materials.In accordence with the information above, this article will firstly analyze the traditional household building materials industry, and secondly research its development status in the field of O2O, development prospect and development direction. The author of this article has selected the Jia.com, an online household necessities website and its O2O marketing model as the main research object, through the SWOT analysis, to explore the pros and cons existing in its network marketing model and propose relative solutions for improvement.
    Key words:electronic commerce; traditional household building materials Industry; O2O mode;  Jia.com
    目    录
    摘    要Ⅰ
    一、绪论    - 1 -
    (一)研究背景    - 1 -
    (二)研究目的和意义    - 2 -
    (三)国内外的研究状况    - 3 -
    二、案例描述—齐家网联合亚厦股份提速O2O    - 4 -
    三、O2O电子商务与家居建材行业    - 5 -
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