Research on Performance Management of Growth-oriented Enterprises
Abstract:Performance management is a power of the development of the growth-oriented enterprises, but compared with foreign countries, the current domestic research level is relatively backward。 Therefore, it is necessary to further explore。 This paper began with the imperfectness of the performance management system of the growth-oriented enterprise, which is reflected in the lack of performance guidance and feedback, and then pointed out the non-standard management structure。 Then, according to the principles of the design, implementation and evaluation of the performance management system, and linking theory with practice——the success of improving the system, this paper put forward the completion plan and corrective method。 Finally, by consulting the reference materials, I believe that the growth-oriented enterprises should also strengthen the future development of the staff, so it is recommended that increasing the employee career design in the inherent system to improve the compatibility between staff and job。 It may be helpful to implement the performance management。
Key words: growth-oriented enterprise; performance management; strategic target; performance appraisal; performance feedback
目 录
绪论 1
一、成长型企业与绩效管理 3
(一) 成长型企业 3
1、 成长型企业的概念 3
2、 成长型企业的特征 4
(二) 绩效管理 4
1、 绩效管理的概念 4
2、 绩效管理与绩效考核的区别 5
二、成长型企业的绩效管理现状 6
(一) 成长型企业绩效管理现状 6
1、 企业员工对绩效管理的必要性表示质疑 6
2、 绩效管理的责任部门设定有误 6
3、 绩效计划局限于岗位本身,与企业的战略目标脱节 6
4、 绩效考核指标有失偏颇 6
5、 绩效考核存在形式zhuyi 7
6、 绩效管理过程缺乏透明度