摘    要 李毅华说:“以说明为主要表达方式,对客观事物或事理进行介绍或解说的一种文体,它在日常生活中有着广泛的应用,在小学语文教材中具有重要的地位和价值。”  语文教材中的说明文承载着传播科普知识的作用,是文章对于某一特定事物的讲解和说明,是对事物原有面貌的一种介绍和揭示;在揭示事物之间存在的自然关系的同时也将事物的特性、结构都一一展现出来。90219




ABSTRACTLi Yihua said: "in order to illustrate the main means of expression, a style of introduction or explanation of objective things or reason, it has been widely used in daily life, has an important position and value in the primary school Chinese textbooks。" in the Chinese textbook exposition carrying the dissemination of scientific knowledge, is the for a specific thing explanation and instructions, is a matter of introduction and reveal the original appearance; in revealing the nature relationship between things but also the characteristics of things, the structure emerge。 Students learn expository writing in class, know the world, together with the poet to explore the nature of mysteries, expand their horizons and gain wisdom, thus learning language, language development, reading ability and good reading habits。 Primary school language textbooks in the exposition and contact us Comparison of scientific knowledge is short, even if the content and knowledge representation of science, but the purpose and function of their almost are not the same。 In the Chinese textbook exposition focus on the humanities, science and the knowledge in the textbook essay emphasis on tools。 Learning can help students improve their writing ability of logical thinking, help students to be rigorous, take seriously any things in life。 How will the teaching of Humanities and tools together to set the text? I think through several teaching links can be formed。 On the basic characteristics of expository rigor and normative scientific language, fully embodies the practicality and the tool of Chinese subject, to improve the students the cognitive ability of thinking and reading and writing skills, has important significance。 But there are still many problems in the process of teaching, some teachers' professional knowledge is weak, the text of Science The solution is not comprehensive enough, one-sided emphasis on stylistic knowledge, the Chinese class become a science professor, scientific knowledge, and ignore the language characteristics in expository texts, but not in the classroom to let students' thinking ability through learning culture, his observation, failed to explore and cultivate their independent reading ability, spirit, value lost exposition the contents of teaching。 From the primary school expository teaching content, teaching methods, according to the requirements of the new curriculum teaching, fully analyzed existing problems in the teaching of expository writing, re-examine in expository writing teaching objectives, teaching points, teaching content, teaching methods of the harmonious development between the teachers through the full and effective pision of classroom teaching and put forward three aspects optimization strategy, cultivate the spirit of exploration, the cultivation of students' information screening and generalization ability, learning and expository precise language expression, improve The efficiency of teaching in the teaching of expository writing, to provide suggestions for the health of Chinese classroom teaching persification。源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

















