


    Research on the Strategy to Improve Effectiveness of Teaching Math in Primary School Classroom 

    Abstract: The effectiveness of classroom math teaching means that students will obtain coordinated development with respect to knowledge, skills, math thinking, ability to solve problems, emotion and attitude via classroom teaching, which effectively achieves the anticipated teaching results. This paper puts forward the concept definition of classroom-teaching effectiveness as well as the meaning of improving the effectiveness of classroom math teaching in primary school with reference to relevant literature; By conducting observation on class and extracurricular activities of XinMin primary school in Zhou Kou city and arrangement of the interview materials of math teachers from all classes, factors that influence the effectiveness of math class in primary school have be discovered, including intangible learning goals, full of formalism, inappropriate teaching methods, inaccurate role definition of teachers and single evaluation system for classroom teaching, then five strategies that contribute to the effectiveness of classroom math teaching in primary school are proposed as follows: emphasize the important and difficult points of teaching, build a harmonious class, use appropriate teaching methods, improve the comprehensive abilities of primary school teachers and build a scientific and reasonable evaluation system for class teaching. 

    Keywords: Math in primary school; Class teaching; Effectiveness of teaching 

    目  录

    摘要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、课堂教学有效性的概念界定 2

    二、研究小学数学课堂教学有效性的意义 2

    (一)有利于教育者认清在教育中存在的问题 2

    (二)有助于形成提高小学数学课堂教学有效性的策略体系 3

    (三)使小学数学教师深刻理解课堂教学有效性的内涵 3

    (四)减轻小学生负担 3

    三、影响小学数学课堂教学低效的因素 3

    (一)教学目标虚化 4

    (二)形式主义充斥 4

    (三)教学方式不恰当 5

    (四)教师角色定位不准确 5

    (五)课堂教学评价体系单一 6

    四、提高小学数学课堂教学有效性的策略 7


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