


    The Problems and Training of the Lower–grade pupils’ Rule Awareness

    Abstract:Rule awareness is a kind of attitude and belief in the scientific and reasonable legal norms, rules and norms that we must consciously accept, obey and maintain in our daily life. Good rule awareness is an important guarantee for a person to adapt to the social life. In order to fully study the problems of lower-grade pupils’ awareness of rules, according to checking the related documents and information, the definition of rule awareness and the significance of training of the lower-grade pupils’ rule awareness are given. Through the observation of the classroom and extracurricular activities of the low-grade pupils and the organization of the interview data of the pupils` head teachers in the X primary schools in the city, analyzing the existing problems is lacking of understanding when pupils are learning rules, lacking of consciousness when they are following rules, and lacking of self-control when they are facing temptation. The influencing factors include the cognitive characteristics of lower-grade pupils, the guidance of family education, the school education and the social education. Meanwhile this paper also proposed strategy for deepening understanding of rules, improving the consciousness of following rules and improving the self-control of facing temptation.

    Keywords: rule awareness; lower-grade pupils; rule behavior

    目  录

    摘要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、规则意识的概念界定 2

    二、低年级小学生规则意识培养的意义 3

    (一)构建社会主义和谐社会的精神支撑 3

    (二)提高教育质量的关键环节 3

    (三)促成小学生成长成才的必然要求 4

    (四)我国小学德育的重要内容 4

    三、低年级小学生规则意识的问题表现 5

    (一)学习规则,缺乏理解性 5

    (二)践行规则,缺乏自觉性 6

    (三)面对诱惑,缺乏自制力 6

    四、影响低年级小学生规则意识的因素 7

    (一)小学生自身认知发展不成熟 7

    (二)缺乏家庭的正确引导 7

    (三)学校社会教育片面性 8

    五、低年级小学生规则意识的培养策略 8


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