    摘要:本论文通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法对高校公共武术选项课学生参与教学实践现状调查,以学院为例,结果表明:学校校领导以及学生自身对于公共武术课学生参与教学实践的重视程度不够 ;学生参与教学实践的评价受教师的主观因素影响较大,具有一定的局限性,严重挫伤学生参与教学实践的积极性和主观能动性。改善措施及建议: 武术教研室开展武术教学实践效果检验大赛,促进其重视并积极组织;将选项武术课学生参与教学实践列为学生学习成绩必须考核部分,促进学生积极参与教学实践;学校对学生参与教学实践的考查方式多样化。旨在推动学生参与教学实践在高校有效顺利的进行,提高高校武术教学质量,从而进一步促进武术在高校的开展。7426

    Public martial arts in higher education students to participate in the investigation on the currentsituation in teaching practice- in zhoukou normal college, for example
    Abstract:This through the literature material law, questionnaire investigation, interview method of zhoukou normal college public martial arts option class teaching practice investigation for middle school students, the result showed that: the school leaders and students themselves to martial arts teaching practice value degree is not enough; the evaluation of teaching practice are greatly influenced by teacher's subjective factor, has certain limitations, seriously affect the enthusiasm of students learning and subjective initiative. improvement measures and Suggestions: the effect of martial arts teaching practice martial arts teaching and research section in test series, promote its importance to and actively organization; options to martial arts teaching of middle school students' teaching practice as the assessment of student academic record must be part of teaching practice to promote students' positive; the persity of schools to investigate students' teaching practice. Aims to improve the quality of martial arts teaching in colleges, thus further promoting the development of martial arts in colleges and universities.
    Key words:Colleges and universities;Martial arts lesson options ;Ordinary college students;to participate in ;
    目    录
    摘要    4
    关键词    4
    引言    6
    1. 研究对象与方法    6
    1.1.研究对象    6
    1.2研究方法    6
    2结果与分析    7
    2.1高校公共武术选项课学生参与教学实践现状    7
    2.2改善公共武术选项课学生参与教学实践的措施    12
    3.结论与建议    13
    3.1结论    13
    3.2建议    13
    参考文献    14
    附录    15
    致谢    19
    当前,我国高校教育存在着重学术理论,轻专业技能实践的倾向,导致大学生的实践能力逐渐下降。随着教育改革潮流的不断发展和社会的需要,学生参与教学实践显得尤为重要。天津市美协副主席王书平委员在2014年两会中提出了“高校应大力培养应用型人才。”“教育必须适应并服务于社会的发展,这是教育改革的重大命题。目前,我国经济社会发展既需要大量的学术型高端人才,也需要大批从事技术开发与应用的应用型人才。” 因此一些高校就公共武术选项课积极的开展学生参与教学实践,但是效果并不理想。怎样才能使学生参与教学实践开展的更好,这是武术教育者面临的一项艰巨的工作。因此为了完成这项工作,解决这些方面所遇到的各种问题,许多高校对公共武术选项课学生参与教学实践进行探索和改进,采取了许多措施,争取让学生积极参与教学实践,有意识的培养、发展学生的教学实践能力,同时也为拓宽发展高校公共武术选项课教学提供新思路,提高高校武术的教学水平,推动中国武术运动的发展。
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