Absract:With the development of the basic education curriculum reform carried out, the new primary school language curriculum standards for teachers effective teaching of reading and reading ability of students made new demands. Language teachers need to carefully study and research of new curriculum standards in relation to the teaching of reading, and actively participate in practice. However, language teachers how to conduct effective teaching of reading still there are some unavoidable problems, these problems will greatly affect the effective teaching of reading to improve teachers and students to carry out reading ability. This paper analyzes the meaning of elementary school language reading teaching effectiveness and importance, the effectiveness of primary school language reading teaching practice problems in the process, and the effectiveness of the causes primary language reading teaching practice process issues were explored, and finally, We made a number of specific implementation strategies to improve primary school language reading teaching.
Keybords:primary language,reading teaching,effectiveness,implement strategy
目 录
1 前言 3
2 小学语文阅读教学的涵义和重要地位3
3 小学语文有效性阅读教学实施过程中的问题3
3.1 激情缺失3
3.2 教学方法死板单一4
3.3 教学目标不明确4
4 小学语文有效性阅读教学过程中问题的成因5
4.1 教师缺乏专业理想和专业素养5
4.2 教师缺乏教学创新 5
4.3 教师缺乏对学情的分析 6
5 小学语文有效性阅读教学的实施策略 6
5.1 用激情去感染课堂6
5.2 采用灵活多变的教学方法 6
5.2.1 采用适当的阅读训练,提高阅读速度7
5.2.2 课内阅读和课外阅读相结合7
5.2.3 创造良好的阅读环境,营造良好的阅读氛围7
5.3 根据不同学段,把握学情,有针对性的进行阅读教学8
1. 前言
2. 小学语文有效性阅读教学的涵义和重要地位