摘 要:在中国悠久的古典文化中,古诗词无疑是精粹,久经流传,承载着中华民族的传统文化,具有文化继承性,值得学习。小学生学习古诗词,不仅有利于培养语言能力和审美能力,增长知识,升华感悟,以此来增加学生的自我修养,还有助于弘扬中华民族优秀的传统文化。本篇论文以苏教版小学语文教材中的个别古诗词为例,结合各年段古诗词的具体教学要求,以及对各年级学生掌握程度要求的变化,进行古诗词学习内容的指导,使得教学符合儿童年龄特点和学习特点,实现古诗词教学的目标和价值。74429
Abstract:In China's long history of classical culture, ancient poetry is the essence undoubtedly, tried to spread, carrying the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, it has the cultural inheritance and is worth learning。 Pupils learn poems, not only good for developing the cultivation of language ability and aesthetic ability, increasing their knowledge and insights, in order to increase the students' self-cultivation, but also help to carry forward the fine traditional culture of the Chinese nation。 In this paper, we take the inpidual poetry in the primary school language teaching materials of Jiangsu education as an example, the combination of each segment in the ancient poetry of specific teaching requirements, and for all students to master the requirements for the degree of change, guiding the study of ancient poetry, making teaching consistent with children's age characteristics and learning characteristics to achieve the goals and values of ancient poetry teaching。
Keywords:Ancient poetry teaching, Cultural heritage; Chinese accomplishment
目 录
1 前言 3
2 语言鉴赏 3
2。1 品读背诵,体会情感3
2。2 联系实际,激发兴趣4
2.3积累知识,沉淀文化 4
3 意境感悟 5
3。1 创设情境,加深感悟 5
3。 2 深入意境,推敲斟酌 5
3。 3 感受魅力,培养审美能力 6
4 情感熏陶 6
4。 1 表演发挥,理解情境6
4。 2 拓展思维,提升修养7
4。 3 培养能力,丰富学生情感 7
结论 9
致谢 11
1 前言
古诗词是中国五千多年来的文化瑰宝,它有着深厚的文化底蕴和人文精神,值得国人学习和继承其中的文化内涵和精神素养。在小学语文的教学中,古诗词占据着较为重要的地位。从入选苏教版小学课本里的古诗词来看,根据小学语文新课程标准的推荐,这些诗词有着篇幅简短、语言优美、富有韵律的优点,除此之外具有较高的审美价值和丰富的艺术感染力。【 】从一年级到六年级,语文教科书共收入古诗词45首,其中诗39首,词6首。教师应根据各年段学生的接受能力和心理发展规律,结合古诗词的教学规律,由浅入深,教师处于课堂的主导地位,时时刻刻以学生为课堂主体,创造出有效率的古诗词学习情境,积极引导小学生学习古诗词。论文网
2 语言鉴赏