关键词 商业银行 房地产信贷 风险管理 风险防范 毕业论文外文摘要
Title The Commercial bank Real Estate Credit Risk and Prevention Research
In recent years, real estate prices rose rapidly, banks continued to increase the size of the real estate credit risk continues to accumulate, the macro-control policies for the real estate prices have also been introduced. The real estate market for commercial banks to expand credit business of real estate development offers enormous opportunities, but also hidden a huge credit risk, not only for the stable development of the banking sector may have fatal blow to the entire national economy may also have an enormous damage. Through the current situation of China's commercial banks in real estate credit analysis, found that China's commercial banks in real estate credit mainly credit, interest rate, market and operational risks banks themselves, for these risks. And empirical analysis, as well as the macroeconomic situation of decline housing prices will decline more substantial move up the non-performing loan ratio will further aggravate share. For this situation, the Government should strengthen macro-control and financial regulation of the real estate market; the real estate business should strive to broaden the financing channels and increase their strength; banks should be appropriate to curb real estate credit scale, cautious in real estate financial products. Thereby strengthening risk management and prevention, in order to be able to reduce and avoid risks as much as possible.
Keywords commercial bank the real estate credit manageent of risk preventio of risk
目 次
1 引言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的和意义 2
1.3 研究方法和内容 2
2 相关文献综述 3
2.1 商业银行房地产信贷现状的相关研究 3
2.2 商业银房地产信贷风险防范的相关研究 3
3 我国商业银行房地产信贷业务及主要风险 4
3.1 我国商业银行房地产信贷业务 4
3.2 当前我国商业银行面临的主要风险 4
4 我国商业银行房地产信贷风险的实证分析 9
4.1 个人住房贷款情况 9
4.2 房价收入比情况 14
4.3 对我国住房房价收入比上限的探讨 15
5 对我国商业银行房地产信贷风险防范的对策建议 18