摘要自新课改,各地试用新《课程标准》下的教材。各个教材的编者在编写教材时都有不同 的思路。熟悉不同版本的教材,对教育工作有积极的指导意义。

其中人教版与华师大版的两套初中数学教科书非常具有代表性,在新课改的使用范围比 较广。因此本文将对这两版本初中数学教材进行分析比较采用查阅文献法和比较法针对两版 本教材的内容编排、例题、课内练习、习题设置等方面进行分析,得出以下结论:88143

两版本数学教材内容都符合《数学课程标准》的理念,符合学生认知规律,在章节顺序 上稍有不同;在例题设置上,人教版较更完整,华师大版在个别章节没有设置例题,较欠缺; 在课内练习形式上,华师大版更丰富且题材更加新颖;在课后习题设置上,人教版分板块, 难度依次提高且题量较多助于学生先打好基础再巩固应用,而华师大版习题基础题型比较少 且不分版块。经过以上维度的分析,我们得到以下启示:

在教材整体内容编排上,建议两版本都可以在新知识的引入这一块上再深入研究。一个 良好的引入,可以激发学生学习的积极性与主动性。其次,人教版教材应该在每个章节之间 穿插一个“做一做”板块,题材尽量选择与学生生活密切的题材,且能在学生能力范围内的 问题,让学生自己探索解决方案。最后,华师版的例题可设置部分规范解答。课后习题也像 人教版一样分为三类,那么就更利于学生找出自己对于知识的薄弱点、查漏补缺。

毕业论文关键词:统计与概率; 人教版教材; 华师大版教材;比较

Abstract Since the ministry of education has issued a new stage of compulsory education "curriculum standard" concrete content,some places try teaching materials。 The editors of the teaching materials have different ideas in compiling the textbooks and they are familiar with different versions of the teaching materials, which have a positive guiding significance to the educational work。

Among them, there are two sets of junior high school mathematics textbooks which are very representative of the Chinese version and the Chinese version。 Therefore, this paper will analyze and compare the two chapters of the middle school mathematics teaching materials by comparing the literature and comparative law for the two versions of the textbook content, examples, class exercises, exercises and other aspects of analysis, the following conclusions:

The contents of the two versions of mathematics textbooks are in line with the concept of "mathematics curriculum standards", in line with the law of students' cognition, in the order of the chapter is slightly different; in the example set, the teacher version is more complete, China Normal Edition is not set in inpidual chapters In the course of practice, the Chinese version of the richer version of the theme is more novel; in the post-class exercises on the set, the teacher to teach the sub-plate, the difficulty in order to improve the title and more help students to play better Foundation and then consolidate the application, and the Chinese version of the title of the basic problem is relatively small and regardless of the forum。 After the above dimensions of analysis, we get the following inspiration:

In the overall content of the teaching arrangement, the proposed two versions can be introduced in the new knowledge of this piece and then in-depth study。 A good introduction, can stimulate students to learn the enthusiasm and initiative。 Second, the human education version of the textbook should be interspersed between each chapter, "do a" plate, the subject as much as possible with the students close life theme, and the ability of students within the scope of the problem, so that students explore their own solutions。 Finally, the Chinese version of the example can be set up part of the normative answer。 After school exercises are also pided into three categories as people teach, then it is more conducive to students to find their own weaknesses in knowledge, missing fill gaps。

















