摘 要:随着小学数学课堂教学的改革不断深化,小学数学课堂教学更注重学生的参与。在小学数学课堂中,有效提问能够促使学生积极的参与到课堂中,促进小学生的数学思维发展。但在小学数学课堂教学中,很多提问都是无效的,主要表现在提问内容过于简单,提问形式单一等方面,严重影响了课堂教学效果。分析小学数学课堂提问的现状和小学数学课堂提问有效率缺失的原因,提出相应的提高小学数学课堂提问有效性的策略,从而使小学数学课堂教学更加高效。93618
Abstract:With the deepening of the reform of education, primary school mathematics classroom teaching focus on student participation。 In the primary school mathematics classroom, teachers can effectively ask students to participate in the classroom, to promote the development of mathematics thinking of primary school students。 But in reality, many primary school mathematics questions are invalid, mainly in the content of the question is too simple, ask the form of a single form,seriously affected the effect of classroom teaching。 This paper analyzes the current situation of primary school mathematics classroom questions and the reasons for the lack of efficiency of primary school mathematics classroom, and puts forward the corresponding strategies to improve the effectiveness of primary school mathematics classroom questions, so that primary school mathematics classroom teaching is more efficient。
Key words:primary mathematics,ask questions in class,effectiveness
目 录
1 前言3
2 小学数学课堂提问现状3
2。1 提问重数量轻质量3
2。2 提问内容过于简单4
2。3 提问缺乏启发性4
2。4 提问形式过于单一4
2。5 提问反馈缺乏4
3 课堂提问有效性缺失的原因5
3。1 教师教学观念有误 5
3。2 教师备课不够充分5
3。3 教师忽略对学生回答进行正确反馈的重要性5
3。4 教师专业知识不扎实6
4 提高小学数学课堂提问有效性的策略6
4。1 更新教学观念,强调学生主体地位6
4。2 认真备课,精心设计问题7
4。3 重视评价的内容和形式8
4。4 提高教师自身的专业素养9结论10
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