摘 要:人们常说“习惯成自然”,好的习惯一旦被养成会让人受益终身。小学教育是基础教育,小学数学是一门重要的学科,在小学数学教学过程中,培养学生良好的学习习惯是一项很重要的任务。在如今的小学数学课堂中,存在着一些不良现象,例如学生上课不认真听讲、同桌之间交头接耳、不积极发言等。因此如何培养小学生良好的数学学习习惯是每一位数学教师值得思考的问题。本文主要从“课前、课中、课后”这三个方面阐述了如何培养小学生良好的数学学习习惯,从而帮助学生积极有效的学习,帮助学生提高数学学习成绩,促使学生的智力得到发展。93619
Abstract:It is often said that "habit becomes nature", a good habit will benefit people once it is formed。 Primary school education is a basic education, primary school mathematics is an important subject, in the process of primary school mathematics teaching, training students' good learning habits is a very important task。 In today's primary school mathematics classroom, there are some bad phenomena, such as students not listen carefully in class, desk whisper, not actively speaking。 Therefore, how to cultivate the students' good learning habits is a problem that every math teacher should think about。 This article mainly from the "pre class, in class and after class" of the three aspects elaborated how to cultivate students' good habit of learning mathematics, and help students active learning, help students improve learning achievement, promote students' intellectual development。
Keywords:primary school students,mathematics, learning habits, cultivation
目 录
1 课前培养小学生的学习习惯3
1。1 培养小学生课前预习的习惯3
1。2 培养小学生做好课前准备的习惯4
2 课中培养小学生的学习习惯4
2。1 培养小学生专心听讲的习惯5
2。2 培养小学生合作学习的习惯5
2。3 培养小学生独立思考的习惯6
2。4 培养小学生积极发言,敢于质疑的习惯6
3 课后培养小学生的学习习惯7
3。1 培养小学生反思的习惯7
3。2 培养小学生认真做事的习惯7
3。3 培养小学生善于总结的习惯8
结论 9
叶圣陶先生曾说过“教育是什么,往单方面讲,只需一句话,就是要培养良好的习惯。”[1]良好习惯的养成不是一蹴而就的,需要长时间的培养。良好的数学学习习惯的形成主要是在小学阶段,此外,培养良好的数学学习习惯也为学生以后的发展打下了坚实的基础。培养小学生良好的数学学习习惯不仅能帮助学生获取数学知识,还能提高学生学习数学的效率。源C于H优J尔W论R文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752-018766
1 课前培养小学生的学习习惯