Abstract: Traditional classroom teaching for mathematics in primary schools usually depends on lecturing and notes on the blackboard, which may make pupils feel inevitably too bored, abstract and abstruse。 The emergence of Flash provides a new opportunity for mathematics teaching in primary schools by fully taking advantage of students' eyes, ears, brains and other organs to connect the actual life with classroom so as to improve the traditional boring teaching atmosphere。On the basis of consideration for pupils' learning ability, the appropriate use of flash can induce students to voluntarily take the initiative to learn, to build a relatively straightforward representation, visualize the abstract problem, and simplify the complex problem, thus presenting the contents before their eyes in a more reasonable way。 However, while making full use of the advantages of Flash technology, we also need to grasp the problems and deficiencies in the process of mathematics teaching in primary schools。 This article will delve into the flash for effectiveness of the elementary school mathematics teaching and analyze it from various aspects。 When flash is ushered into the classroom, at the same time, the advantage of the traditional teaching will be fully revealed, and the two methods should be flexibly converted to the other in turn so that students and teachers can sufficiently appreciate the pleasure and convenience in flash teaching as well as better serve the primary school teaching。
Key words: Flash,the elementary school mathematics,effectiveness
目 录
1前言 4
2 Flash概念界定及其作用 4
2。1 Flash的概念界定 4
2。2 Flash在教学中的作用 4
3研究内容与研究方法 5
3。1研究内容 5
3。2研究方法 5
4Flash在小学数学教学中应用的有效性 7
4。1 转换呈现方式,联系生活实际 7
4。2 构建直观表象,突破教学重点 7
4。3 灵活转换视角,发挥想象能力 8
4。4 拓宽解题思路,调动创新意识 9
4。5 改善教学情境,激发学生兴趣 10
5 提升Flash教学应用有效性面临的问题与改进策略 10
5。1Flash教学应用有效性面临的问题 10
5。2 提升小学数学Flash教学有效性的改进策略