A networked robot cannot save all information. Then, the networked robot of each space have information, the networked robot is interactive with user's virtual type robot, presented information to user's virtual type robot suitably. This idea is called “ambient intelligence”.

One robot cannot  preserve  all information

the favor, etc. We match them and  call personal attribute information.



preference attribute

Fig. 4. “Personal attribute” (”Body attribute” and “Preference attribute”) ; This shows examples of“body attribute” and “preference attribute”.

4. Composition of system of experiment

In experiment, we experimented on the  presentation of information concerning clothes by using preference attribute information and body attribute information. In this research, we have the networked robot share personal attribute information, and propose the support robot system by pointing to the show window. We implemented the system as a men's tailor’s shop in this experiment.

.     , ssuurrrroouunnddiinngs5

Information on products

V’irtual type


Recognition pointing

Inpidual attribute (bluetooth)

Fig. 3. Ambient intelligence; This shows ambient intelligence. Ambient intelligence is idea that the networked robot of each space have information, and the networked robot is interactive with user's virtual type robot, presented information to user's virtual type robot suitably.

3. Personal attribute information

“Body attribute information” is information based on every single person's bodily features. The example of “body attribute information” is sex, age, size of clothes, chronic disease etc. “Preference attribute information” is information based on the every single person's preference. The example of “preference attribute information” is a color of the favor, food   of

Information on commodity

(' (mail)

Fig. S. Composition of system; This shows Equipment that we used in this research and the way of communication of information.

Personal attribute information has been saved in smart phone that is user's virtual type robot. PC with the camera in the show window that is the unconscious type robot recognizes pointing. User's personal attribute information is received from smart phone by the unconscious type robot. The unconscious type robot has received product’s information from the server of the shop. The unconscious type robot  infers

based on product’s information and personal attribute Between two layers are connected with each other. information,  and  returns  smart  phone  product’s  They  compose  bidirectional  associative  memory information    that    suits    to    user    and    product’s        (BAM) [4].

information at which user pointed with mail. URL  of

recommendation   product’s   information   and   each

product's information has been described in the mail. User can see the image of the product by clicking URL user is interested in product.

The unconscious  type robot presents  information  in

smart   phone   in   this   research.   This   reason    is   in d  a

consideration of privacy because the information contains the body attribute.

















