It is hoped that the thesis might help idioms learners interested in maritime culture to get across the barrier of understanding between native idiom learners and foreign idiom learners。

Ⅱ。 Literature Review

2。1 Definitions of Idioms   

Broadly speaking Chinese idioms and English idioms to some extent are roughly the same。 Idiom in Chinese language is also known as“习语”, and it is one of the vital part of the vocabulary system。 It may cover the fixed combinations of words, including idioms, proverbs, maxims, twisters, and so on。 Its main characteristic is the integrity of quality and semantic structures, which are fixed in the long term use。 文献综述

English idioms have a very broad meaning。 According to Oxford Advanced English (the fourth edition), an idiom is a phrase or sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its inpidual words and it must be known as a whole unit。 English idiom is a relatively standard spoken and written English today, and it is a highly developed language。 The definition of idiom, given by the Oxford English Dictionary, is that a peculiarity of phraseology approved by the usage of language and often has a special signification other than its grammatical or logical one。(Clitra Femand 1996) 

In reference to the definition of idiom, some other people also show their opinions。 Logan Pear Smith defines idioms as the“words, idioms, and phrase, which transgress either the laws of grammar or the laws of logic。” (L。P。Smith 2005) 

Another definition given by Long man’s English idiom Dictionary is “a fixed phrase, which has a peculiar meaning, and the meaning is not the total collection of every singular meaning of the word。”(Collins Cobuild 2000) 

Everything is changing in every minute and there is no exception for English idioms。 With the development of  culture and language itself, the meaning of English idioms is also changing It’s not only the simple illustration of each word。 It’s the combination of a country’s culture, life and the background of society。 The meanings of most idioms are complex and difficult to handle。 That is because the idiom has its own idiom system, and idiom has its own scope, and it is widely recognized that the idiom  includes slang, proverb, allusions, similes, metaphors and collocations。(Chen, 2008:3-4)

2。2 Classifications of Idioms

Idiom is the embodiment  of language and a variety of rhetorical devices, and it is a vital part of the vocabulary in the language system。 Moreover, it is a unique part of the national culture , and it is the most productive language sections。 In Chinese and English idiom system, there are different categorizations , and the essay is going to list these different types of idioms in the following part。

2。2。1 Historical Idioms

Idiom is the mirror of a nation’s historical and social development。 Both in China and Britain, there emerge lots of idioms of history。 

For example, the Chinese idiom“萍水相逢的人”, and the English idiom“ships that pass in the night”。 Both idioms refer to people who meet for a tiny period of time accidentally and may never see each other again in their lives。 Both idioms reflect the same meaning under different cultural backgrounds。来.自^优+尔-论,文:网 +QQ752018766-

In English, there is also an idiom “in shipshape and Bristol fashion”。 “Shipshape” means the shape of a ship。 Bristol is a port of southern part of Britain。 But the meaning of this English idiom is “be tidy and ordered ”。 

2。2。2 Geographical Idioms

The geographical environment brings about certain idioms too。 Mining, navigating, fishing and even the frequent foggy weather and rainfall can be the sources of geographical idioms。

















