People always feel strange why some teachers’ lesson are interesting than others. This phenomenon has existed for a quite long time, almost everyone who stay in school years know it: students are fired with some specific courses while feel themselves blanch at the time of some other courses. Educators use words like speak sensible, have a good personality , mild and friendly to describe an popular teacher but the reason why he is welcomed is far more than those words. Although there are multiple reasons for a teacher to raise his students’ learning interests successfully, flexible teaching strategies are most essential one. 

At last, after studying teacher-student relationship and its corresponding teaching strategies, further studies are advocated in this thesis, and hoped that some enlightenment may be shed on the study of new curriculum reform. 

2. Literature Review

The New Curriculum Reform was first put into trial in provinces like Hainan, Guangdong, Shandong and Ningxia in 2004 then promoted to the whole country in the following years. Compared with former policy, this new reform has produced great changes: it gives students freedom to choose their courses and pides the whole curriculum into eight yields to make students choose their courses more convenient. Based on the fact that a health teacher-student relationship is a strong guarantee of  teaching activities and efficiency. Under the new curriculum reform, some changes of teacher-student relationship and teaching strategies applied in normal class are probably inevitable.文献综述

The studies about teacher and student relationship in both internal and external can be traced back to a long time ago. Foreign educators like John Friedrich Herbart(1776) and John Dewey(1859) held opposite opinions towards teacher-student relationship. American educator Gary D Borich had made deep researches about teacher-student relationship and effective teaching strategies. In his book Effective Teaching Methods, Borich first described differences between traditional and effective teachers and showed how to realize effective teaching by various examples. In ancient china, educators like Confucius proposed the concept of heaven-earth-sovereign-parent-teacher. The ancient Chinese thought teacher is one of the five most respective things and therefore formed the traditional teacher-student relationship. In this relationship, teachers played a main role while the job of students was following the instruction of their teacher. Till now, there are many researches and discussions on the relationship between teachers and students have been conducted. The educator Han Lifu expounded his ideas on effective teaching, which is a strong proof that current studies on relationship between students and teachers in both depth and breadth are hitherto unknown. According to new curriculum reform, students can choose their courses and decide what they will learn in the following semester. The statues of teacher and students are exchanged. Teacher becomes a bellwether of student’s learning rather than a decision maker. 

In class teaching , teachers mainly use direct and indirect teaching strategies. These two kinds of strategies have distinguishing features and suit for different teaching circumstances. To meet the requirements of new curriculum, the old combination of traditional teacher-student relationship and teaching strategies should be altered. 

Comparatively, there are not so many studies in regard to teacher-student relationship and teaching strategies under new curriculum reform. What merits special attention in the future is to study this project deeply and systematically.

















