1。1。2 Cross-culture

With the development of linguistics, domestic scholars, combining related theories, analyze the relationship between language and culture, from the angle of linguistics, and find that different cultures will influence the development of language, and that language differences, to a certain degree, will also reflect the culture differences。 For example, Yin (2014) pointed out that the differences of tradition, value system and so on will make a difference to the language。 Meanwhile, the tradition and value system of different countries are the concrete manifestations of the cross-culture。 Cross-culture is the culture which crosses different countries and ethnic boundaries。 It reflects the cultural differences of different peoples, nations and groups。 The theory of Cross-culture plays an important role that can’t be ignored in studying the language differences of Chinese and western news reports。 For instance, Lu (2015) interpreted the social identity of beggar group on the basis of cross-culture。文献综述

1。1。3 Research Status

Domestic scholars study the phenomenon of beggars mainly from the perspective of sociology。 There is no doubt that we can really have lessons from sociolinguistics (Simpson, 1995)。 Chen (2006), Lu (2012), Hu (2008) and other scholars analyze the domestic beggar culture and the phenomenon。 Hu (2008) classifies the ways which beggars use to beg, and makes a detailed and comprehensive analysis。 Chen (2006) and Lu (2012) conduct the research of beggar culture mainly from the angle of history and culture。 Their researches are helpful for administration to solve the problems of beggar management。 Gao, Yang (2007) and Lu (2015) who open their eyes to the whole world, analyze the beggar culture from the perspective of cross-culture。 Of them, Gao (2007) studies the differences of begging ways between our country and western countries, finding that there do exist many differences in terms of causes, begging wordings or even laws。 Based on cross-culture, Lu (2015) interprets the social identity of the beggar group in her research。

At the same time, with the development of news media, the researchers find that the language differs in Chinese and western news reports。 Then, scholars study the differences between Chinese and western news reports and the causes from the perspective of linguistics and culture。 Zhang (2013), from the subjectivity and objectivity of news reports, the role definition of disseminator, ways of broadcasting and effects of communication and so on, analyzes the differences of attitudes towards reporting Chinese and western news。 She finds that the persity of culture, national and economic conditions determines the differences of Chinese and western news reports。 Liu (2013) discusses the stylistic difference of Chinese and western news reports from the angle of linguistics, and finally draws the conclusion that the differences of values and thinking modes between Chinese and western have an impact on the differences of news style features such as subjects, narrations and linguistic features。

Later, a scholar analyzes the image construction under the influence of the mass media (Sun, 2015)。 It then associates the beggar culture with the news reports in a certain extent。 So far, however, studies of the relationship between beggar culture and language differences of news reports remain to be further researched。 Therefore, based on the news reports, this article tries, from the perspective of linguistics and cross-culture, to analyze how the beggar culture is reflected in the language differences between Chinese and western news reports, so as to study the relationship between culture and language, and enhance people's understanding of it。来*自-优=尔,论:文+网www.youerw.com

1。2 Research Object & Research Objective

1。2。1 Research Object

    In recent years, beggars have become more and more noticeable in the society and begging has been a special profession。 Under this situation, researchers have become increasingly interested in beggar culture。 At the same time, with the development of media and the trend of globalization, media of different countries have also paid attention to this phenomenon of begging。 However, few studies are convincing to interpret how beggar culture is reflected by analyzing the linguistic differences between Chinese and western news reports。 Therefore, this study aims to research the linguistic differences between Chinese and western news reports, as well as different cultures。

















