2。 Literature Review

     As a special and important part of culture and language, the taboo has already attracted people's attention for a long time, thus researches on taboo have been carried out by lots of scholars in various fields all around the world。

2。1 Theoretical basis and researches of taboo at home

     In China, the practice of social taboos could be traced to the dawning of its civilization and the recorded use of linguistic taboos is found no later than the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty。 In the later rigidly stratified society, Every dynasty has recorded the range and object for using taboo words in detail。 In 1962, Chen Yuan published a book, which is called Shihui Juli (Examples of Taboos in History), was the first book on language taboo learning in China。 He explored the taboo words from sociolinguistic point of view and tried to show how society and language are interrelated and how they mutually influence each other through linguistic taboos。 In addition, Taboos and Chinese Culture by Wan Jianzhong studied the origins of all kinds of taboos against the background of Chinese customs。 Chen Wangdao examined linguistic taboo from the realm of rhetoric and considered it as one of the figures of speech。

     We can see that many researches of taboo were done by anthropologists, psychologists, sociologists and linguists in their respective field, and these researches have treated taboo as though it were chiefly a problem in magic, superstition, or anthropology and they put emphasis on the psychological and social basis of the creation of taboos。 Accordingly, linguistic taboo has been viewed as the superstitious behavior of the primitives。 The works that study the creation of taboo from the point of view of psychology are now still arising。  文献综述

2。2 Theoretical basis and researches of taboo abroad

     Taboo originated in 1777。 An English man named James Cook found a strange phenomenon on Tonga Island of the southern Pacific Ocean: some words were allowed to be used only by certain social group。 The local people called this phenomenon "taboo" whose original meaning is "pine" and "untouchable"。 Hence, the word "taboo" began to involving the fields of sociology and linguistics etc。

     Among the most important researches were The Golden Bough by James George Frazer (1980), Frazer deemed that Witchcraft precedes religion, in his book, there were a great deal of examples to describe the origin of witchcraft and religion minutely。 The Golden Bough was informative, Frazer made a systematic analysis of the primitive belief of every nation in the world by using historical comparison method, which provides massive historical materials for us and thus, the book had a great contribution to the study of the authority。

     Totem and Taboo (1913) by Sigmund Freud, a famous Austria psychologist, was another milestone。 Freud provided the most exquisite explanation for the irrational nature of taboo, assuming that they are generated by emotional ambivalence and in effect represent forbidden actions for which exists a strong unconscious tendency。 Freud was the first contributor to applied analysis of a work on anthropology。 In his book, he sought to apply his own knowledge, gleaned at first hand from the analysis of the unconscious of patients, to the interpretation of a universal feature of the social customs of primitive people。 This denotes the worship of the “totem”, practiced in one from another by all clans。 The totem is that animal—a different one for each clan—which is regarded by the clan members as the carrier of the spirits of dead ancestors and is therefore sacred。 In every culture, a system of prohibitions is called “taboo”。 来,自,优.尔:论;文*网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

















