The problems existing in English listening class make the author carry on the study –the application of Cooperative Principle to English listening class in junior middle school。 The Cooperative Principe was proposed by Oxford philosopher Herbert Paul Grice, who noticed that people do not usually say things directly but tend to imply them in daily conversations。 Thus when students do listening comprehension, the Cooperative Principle can help the listeners understand the speakers’ real communicative meaning under the sentence meaning, making sure the communications go on smoothly。

II。 Factors Affecting Students Studying English Well

2。1 Studies Concerning Cooperative Principle and Related Theories

H。P。 Grice (March3, 1913-August28, 1988) was an American philosopher of language。 He noticed that what is said is different from what is meant, thus the deep meaning in actual communications can only be explained by a new angle – pragmatics。 So he coined a new term “implicature”。 And Grice’s theory of conversational implicature is the most influential contribution to the cotemporary pragmatics。文献综述

Grice specified two kinds of implicature: conversational implicature and non-conversational implicature。 Grice singled out as his focus of study particularized conversational implicature, which is inferred by the hearer with reference to the Cooperative Principle and the context of communication。

The Cooperative Principle and its component maxims, firstly proposed by H。P。 Grice in William James lecture delivered at Harvard University in 1967, are expressed in the imperative, which have misled many readers to regard them as prescriptive, telling speakers how they out to perform; while the truth is that the Cooperative Principle is meant to describe what happens in actual conversations。   

That is, when we speak we are always in the guidance of the Cooperative Principle and its maxims subconsciously, or even unconsciously。 However, not everyone in any actual communications must strictly abide by Cooperative Principle。 In contrast, speakers sometimes purposely violate the maxims to get their communicative aims。 

Grice has opened a new way of explaining the use of language and drawn the attention of many scholars immediately。 Linguists of the post-Gricean period have sought to boil down the maxims to a set of principles。

 In 1983, Leech proposed the Politeness Principle (PP), which contains six maxims: The tact maxim shows: Minimize the expression of beliefs which imply cost to other; maximize the expression of beliefs which imply benefit to other。 The generosity maxim shows: Minimize the expression of beliefs that express or imply benefit to self; maximize the expression of beliefs that express or imply cost to self。 The Approbation maxim shows: Minimize the expression of beliefs which express dispraise of other; maximize the expression of beliefs which express approval of other。 The Modesty maxim shows: Minimize the expression of praise of self; maximize the expression of dispraise of self。 The Agreement maxim runs as follows: Minimize the expression of disagreement between self and other; maximize the expression of agreement between self and other。 The sympathy maxim states: Minimize antipathy between self and other; maximize sympathy between self and other (Leech 83)。 Leech thinks, it is the consideration for politeness that people in the process of the speech communication sometimes violate the Cooperative Principle on purpose。 Leech defines Politeness Principle as forms of behavior that establishes and maintains comity and relative equal positions。 Only the speaker and the hearer all obey the Politeness Principle, thus people are able to conduct a conversation smoothly。 Sometimes, people would deliberately violate maxims of Cooperative Principle to obey Politeness Principle。 For example, A: I pass the exam? Teacher。 B: Most students in our class do not get 6o。 In fact, B wants to say A do not pass the exam。 In order to not embarrass A, B just takes a euphemism and violate the maxim of quality, but obeys the sympathy maxim。 So Politeness Principle rescues the Cooperative Principle from trouble, serves as the sub-principle of Cooperative Principle as well as a necessary complement。 来-自~优+尔=论.文,网 +QQ752018766-             

















