I。 Introduction 

In the 1950s, autonomous learning became a relevant subject in the field of psycholinguistics。 In the western education, it has been promoting the development of the autonomous learning ability。 Indeed, it is one of the educational goals since the early 1960s。 The main objective of the autonomous learning is that learners are his or her own learning responsible subject。 The concept of autonomy has changed。。 With the development of society, when Henri Holec introduced the terms in the field of the second language teaching and learning as a conceptual tool to discuss the background of adult language learners 。 Therefore, the focus of English teaching and learning changed from teachers’ teaching to students' learning。 

    Since the 1980s, regarding the meta-cognitive strategies, learner autonomy has attracted wider and wider attention and even become a trendy term within the context of language learning。 Many scholarly works have been written on how the examination of the theoretical framework of autonomous learning, the definition of it, or the study of its application to language teaching and learning。 Some researchers even consider promoting autonomous learning ability as the ultimate aim of education。 Many countries and regions established the branch level to offer materials and learning facilities to exercise the students' autonomous learning。

    In China autonomous learning has become a hot issue in language learning and teaching。 It is to encourage self-orientation and self-access learning in English。 English learners are facing increasing higher requirements now。 Improving students become more independent thinking in their learning process has become more and more important topics。 Students should be encouraged to be awareness of their responsibility, improve their own learning, and accept their beliefs about language change and their role in effective autonomous learning。

Even though Chinese college English teaching and learning has made fast progress over the past few decades, there are remaining problems about autonomous learning。 

    The significance of the learner autonomy is self-evident。 Nonetheless, how to cultivate learner autonomy is closely related with the issue of factors affecting its development。 Some scholars have talked about some factors which are influencing the learner autonomy and some have studied the correlations between some factors, but they did not put all the probable factors together and discuss them all。And there are different levels of students and universities and these factors may have different degrees of influence on them。 

II。Basic Knowledge of Learner Autonomy

2。1Definition of Learner Autonomy 

    For the definition of autonomous learning, we might cite Holec who describes it as “the person in charge of the ability to learn” (997)。 On a general note, the term autonomy has been at least in four areas to be used (Benson & Voller 2): 

1.For cases in which the learner is totally on their own research;

2.for a set of abilities which can be learned and applied in self-directed learning;

3.for all innate capacity which is suppressed by institutional education;

4.for the learners' responsibility for learning exercise; 

    To sum up the different views of learner autonomy。 Autonomous learning is a learners activity。 In China's traditional mode of education, the teacher is the main source of knowledge。 Teachers should encourage independent learning, to enable students to assume responsibility for their own learning and develop their awareness of autonomous learning。 And the teacher should use modern network equipment to help students develop self-learning ability。 Autonomous learning is becoming increasingly important。 Self-learning performance is in a variety of uses

















