    毕业论文关键词:    虚拟现实技术;虚拟数字博物馆;虚拟展示;
    Virtual display design and implementation of artcraft
    Abstract:     This is my chosen subject crafts design and implementation of virtual exhibition. This topic focuses on more popular virtual reality technology in recent years, the technique has been widely used in many fields, especially in the field of games, movies and other entertainment. However, there are still many people for this technology is very strange, there is the concept of virtual Digital Museum is still very fuzzy. Thus, virtual Digital Museum refers to discussion on this topic will be accumulated by the traditional Museum's collection and its exhibitions, research, publicity and education in areas such as results, digital and creating multimedia information database system, allowing Internet users around the world don't have to be limited by time and space to browse and use of database information. With the subject of study, gradually revealed that the technical deficiencies, need to rely on external devices, so as to give the user a better experience the joy of virtual reality technology.
    Keywords:    Virtual reality technology; virtual museum; virtual exhibition;
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    虚拟现实技术简介    2
    1.1.1    虚拟现实技术的介绍    2
    1.1.2    虚拟现实技术的特征    3
    1.2    虚拟现实技术在博物馆中的应用    3
    1.2.1    3
    1.2.2    数字虚拟博物馆设计与实现    5
    1.2.3    交互式展示    6
    1.3    虚拟博物馆对传统博物馆的影响    7
    2    其他技术支持——3ds max 与Unity3D    9
    2.1    3DS MAX 概述    9
    2.1.1    3ds max 简介    9
    2.1.2    3ds max 发展史    9
    2.1.3    3ds max 应用    9
    2.2    UNITY3D 概述    10
    2.2.1    Unity3D 简介    10
    2.2.2    Unity3D 的特点    10
    3    使用3ds max技术构建模    11
    3.1    3DS MAX 构建模型的基本方法    11
    3.1.1    建模风格    11
    3.1.2    基本建模体    11
    4    使用Unity技术构建动画和交互功能    22
    4.1    使用UNITY3D 技术的准备工作    22
    4.2    UNITY3D 技术的场景制作    22
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