毕业论文关键词:综合保护、 皮带传输、 PLC
Integrated Protection System Of Inclined Roadway Based On PLC
Abstract Many enterprises, especially in coal mine in the coal transmission, crucial for belt transmission, if in inclined roadway in coal transportation belt transmission this link is a big problem, so will cause production line shutdown even may directly cause immeasurable loss。 Therefore, in order to ensure the transportation convenient, safe and reliable。 We're going to centralized monitoring and control of belt transmission, this paper adopts simple and convenient PLC ladder diagram programming language on the belt conveyor control system design。 In the hardware circuit design, complete selection of PLC selection and relevant external appliances。 At the same time the hardware connection map of the reference design, presented the relevant requirements, which makes hardware with and can achieve the effect we expected; software design, we draw relevant program flow chart。 We combine the two, which makes the system more stable, more operational and more practical, so that it can meet our initial expectations and design goals。
Key words: Integrated conservation 、 Belt transmission、 PLC
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
1绪论 1
1。1国内现状 1
1。2发展前景 1
1。3方案论证 2
1。4系统原理与组成 3
1。5工作原理 4
2皮带问题的产生原因和解决办法 5
2。1跑偏 5
2。2堆煤 7
2。3撕裂 7
2。4过热 9
2。5打滑 9
2。6烟雾 10
3硬件设计 12
3。1可编程控制器概况 12
3。2 PLC的选型 12
3。3 PLC接口模块的I/O口信号连接图 13
3。4传感器的选型 14
4软件设计 18
4。1 I/o口分配 18
4。2电气接线图 18
4。3皮带故障程序 19
4。4 485通讯模块 20