    关键词: 风险管理;房地产;奉贤A房地产项目
     Research on development of real estate project risk management
    Abstract: development of real estate as a high-risk industry, its investment scale, long construction period and links wide range of characteristics lead to various risk factors are complicated and hard to quantify, with its easily affected by the national regulation policy, so its investment risk management is extreme importance to developers.
    This paper first reviews the research status quo of development of real estate project risk management, and expounds the main research content of this article. Combined with the current to strictly control the real estate market in our country, the status quo of the real estate macro-control policies introduced, do a simple analysis on the real estate market and expectations. Put forward the necessity of the development of real estate project risk management. The following summary this paper discusses the development of real estate project risk management relevant theoretical knowledge. Property development project risk management is to realize project risk through risk identification and analysis, on the basis of the use of scientific and reasonable management methods and means to carry on effective monitoring of project risk, reduce the project risk losses, to ensure the process with the least amount of cost to achieve project goals. According to the characteristics of the real estate project Again, the risk factors in the development process of real estate projects for identification and analysis, and according to the analysis results of the development of real estate project risk response and control measures. Finally combining the A real estate project in fengxian, in view of the whole process of project development, identify the project risk factors and risk analysis in stages, put forward the countermeasures, for project investment decision provides scientific basis.
    Key words:  risk management, real estate, the A real estate project in fengxian 
    目  录
    1.    绪论    4
    1.1.    研究背景和意义    4
    1.1.1.    研究背景    4
    1.1.2.    研究意义    5
    1.2.    国内外研究现状    5
    1.2.1.    国外的研究现状    5
    1.2.2.    国内的研究现状    6
    1.3.    论文研究的主要内容    7
    2.    房地产项目开发风险管理基本理论    9
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