摘要城市化的不断发展带来了日益严重的城市交通拥堵问题,降低人们的出行效率,造成 经济损失。城市轨道交通是一种运量大、占地少、节能环保、高效便捷的交通方式,能有 效缓解城市交通压力,提高人们出行效率。但随着列车运行速度的提高、运量的增加、运 行距离的延长,对城市轨道交通系统时刻表的快速匹配带来了巨大的挑战。 75326

本文以确定最合理的权重确定方法为目标,首先对权重的概念及发展历程进行了详细 阐述。明确了权重确定方法中主观赋权法与客观赋权法的分类,为后面的实验提供了理论 依据。系统分析了城市轨道交通系统的能耗影响因素,给出影响因素结构图,为进一步设 定城市轨道交通能耗评估指标奠定了基础。能耗影响因素可分为基础设施、运输组织模式 两部分。以西安地铁为实例进行分析,根据当地的实际情况以及现有建设情况,对当地最 具竞争力的能耗影响指标进行判定。根据能耗影响因素,选取特定调查对象,采用调查问 卷的形式选出了六个基础设施运行能耗指标和四个运营组织能耗指标,用于计算城市轨道 交通系统各能耗因素指标的权重。为了比较哪种权重确定方法更能结合实际地解决实际问 题,本文利用了主观赋权法中的层次分析法,并借助调查问卷,为能耗评估体系各指标赋 予权值,并计算各指标相对于总能耗指标的权值,同时利用客观赋权法中的灰色关联度方 法进行各指标的关联性计算分析,最后,将两种方法的结果进行比较,得出最终结论。 

毕业论文关键词 城市轨道交通,能耗,节能,权重,层次分析法,灰色关联度

Title  Research on the rail transit time table case library for energy saving 


Abstract The continuous development of urbanization has brought the increasingly serious urban traffic congestion problem, reduce people's travel efficiency, resulting in economic losses。 Urban rail transit is a kind of large capacity, small area, energy saving and environmental protection, high efficiency and convenient traffic mode, can effectively ease the pressure of urban traffic, improve people's travel efficiency。 However, with the increase of the train speed, the increase of the traffic volume and the extension of the running distance, the fast matching of the time table of the urban rail transit system has brought great challenges。 

The according to determine the most reasonable method to determine the weights as the goal, firstly the concept of weight is proposed, subsequent development process were described in detail and a clear method to determine the weights in the subjective weighting method and the objective weighting method of classification, and provides a theoretical basis for the later experiments。 The energy consumption influencing factors of urban rail transit system are analyzed systematically and the influence factors are given, which provide the basis for the further evaluation of the energy consumption of urban rail transit。 Energy consumption influencing factors can be pided into two parts, infrastructure and transport organization mode。 Taking Xi'an Metro as an example, according to the actual situation of the local situation and the existing construction, to determine the most competitive energy consumption。 According to the influence factors of the energy consumption and select a specific survey and the questionnaire in the form of elected six infrastructure energy consumption indexes 

and four operation energy consumption index for computing the weights of the various energy consumption factors of urban rail transit system。 In order to compare what kind of weight determined method can combine the practical to solve practical problems。 In this paper we use the subjective weighting method in the level of analysis, and by means of a questionnaire survey, for energy consumption evaluation index system of each is assigned a weight, and calculates the index relative to the total energy consumption indicators weights, the objective weighting method of grey correlation degree method and the relationship between each index by analysis and calculation。 Finally, the results of the two methods were compared that the final conclusion。 

















