Abstract:A literary genre fairy tale as the most loved children, in the aspect of children's social cognitive development, such as the rules of the social cognition, perspective taking, influence and promote the development of moral cognition。 However, due to the influence of teacher education to understand the misunderstanding of fairy tales in the fairy tale, easily lead to
inadequate education countermeasures, we can understand how fairy tales for children's social development of all aspects of the cognitive basis of promoting effect, according to different age stages, the fairy tale choose high quality content, communication with parents can provide science。 Independent reading environment for children, creating more forms of fairy tales for children learning, development in the process of learning in the fairy tale has a subtle social cognition。
Keywords:Children, fairy tales, social cognitive development
1前言 5
1。1问题的提出 5
1。2概念界定 5
1。3国内相关文献综述 6
2。童话在儿童社会认知发展各方面的影响 6
2。1童话对儿童认识社会规则和权威的影响 6
2。2童话对儿童观点采择的影响 7
2。3童话对儿童移情的影响 7
3运用童话对儿童社会认知教学活动指导的现状 8
3。1童话教学方式过于单调,儿童缺乏学习社会规则自主性 8
3。2童话教学过程教师局限儿童自由想象,影响移情能力发展 8
3。3童话教学延伸不够,不能及时反馈儿童观点采择发展水平 8
4 运用童话指导儿童社会认知发展的建议 9
4。1童话教学形式多样化,提高儿童学习自主性 9
4。2童话教学中给儿童多思考和表达的机会,提高移情发展 9
4。3童话教学延伸做足,及时反馈儿童观点采择发展水平 10
结论 11
参考文献 12
我国儿童文学的开拓者周作人先生在《童话研究》中指出了童话能够成为儿童文学的主体是因为它不仅仅是一门独特的艺术,还是最具有儿童文学特点的一种文学体裁。各式各样的儿童文学体裁中,童话用其本身独特的语言展示了儿童文学的审美特征,因此广受儿童的喜爱。[1]可以说,童话在我们的童年里占有了重要和不可替代的位置。来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766