    An Investigation of Geography Normal Students’Professional Identity:
    Abstract: Teacher's identity is a sub-concept attached to teacher profession development.Teacher’s profession development is a hot topic of current research on teachers.Teacher’s professional self-identity directly related to the level of normal students after graduation have much willingness to embark on teacher job, how long can the teacher positions, able to achieve much success.To some extent, normal student’s professional identity of teachers directly related to the level of the overall education level of the state, related to the country's development.Therefore, the study of normal students in the school carried out very professional identity of teachers is necessary.Based on the Jiangsu Normal University geography normal students questionnaires, through scientific analysis.Geography normal Students found the overall level of professional identity in the upper level, but with the entire lower compared to normal students professional identity.And below the main subject of teacher professional identity.Geography normal students professional identity inside many significant differences exist in the grade, professional achievement, personalityand family. Based on the research results, from the national level, the normal university level and geographic normal students raised their three feasible suggestions
    Keywords:   Professional Identity;  Geography normal Students ;  Investigation;Suggestions
     目   录
    1 引论    1
     1.1 现代社会的认同危机    1
     1.2教师专业发展忽视主体性    1
     1.3 教师专业发展迫切需要关注师范生发展    1
     1.4 研究意义    1
     1.5国内外研究现状    2
    2 问卷设计    3
     2.1 指标体系的构建    3
     2.2 问卷编制    3
     2.3 问卷施测    4
    3 统计结果与解释    4
     3.1 总体表述    4
     3.2 地理师范生教师职业认同在性别方面的差异分析    5
     3.3 地理师范生教师职业认同在年级方面的差异    6
     3.4 地理师范生教师职业认同在生源地方面的差异    6
     3.5 地理师范生教师职业认同在家境方面的差异    7
     3.6 是否独生子女对地理师范生教师职业认同的影响    7
     3.7 是否是教师家庭对地理师范生教师职业认同的影响    8
     3.8 地理师范生教师职业认同在性格方面的差异    9
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