    High school geography curriculum implementation status quo of the research
    Abstract:Along with the new curriculum reform to further strengthen, high school geography elective courses are also increasingly rich, the development and perfection, but the high school geography elective courses in progress at the same time, also fostered a lot of problems, and the research of high school geography elective course implementation present situation is to find these problems, analyses the reason of these problems, to find a scientific, feasible and suitable countermeasures to deal with them. Here, mainly through the questionnaire of high school geography course design, implementation of questionnaire survey of high school geography teachers and students, at the same time also to teacher interviews and related literatures, and carefully read and study. In order to further improve the high school geography due efforts of elective courses, so as to better the implementation of the high school geography elective course teaching goal, his positive role play, stimulates the student to study the geography of the enthusiasm, broaden the students' geographical horizons and meet the personalized needs of students.
    Key words: The new curriculum reform; High school geography; Elective course;  implementation;  Current research
    引言    1
    1   研究概述    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.2 研究的意义    1
    1.2.1 有利于确立高中地理选修课的新课程知识观    1
    1.2.2 有利于补充高中地理必修课程不足    1
    1.2.3 有利于真正了解高中学生学习“对生活有用的地理”的情况    2
    1.3 研究现状    2
    1.3.1 国外现状    2
    1.3.2 国内现状    2
    1.4 研究技术路线    2
    2   高中地理选修课程研究的理论基础    3
    2.1 现代课程理论    3
    2.2 构建主义学习理论    4
    2.3 认知发展理论    4
    3   高中地理选修课程实施现状分析    4
    3.1 高中地理课程的设置情况    5
    3.2 问卷设计与调查    5
    3.3 调查发现的问题和原因分析    5
    3.3.1 学生对地理选修课的兴趣下降,积极性不高,原因是受考试制度的限制    5
    3.3.2 考核方式单一与学生很难自由选择,原因是教师追求结果与减少工作量    6
    3.3.3 高中地理选修课资源没有得到充分利用,原因是受教学条件的限制    7
    3.3.4 开设的地理选修课抑制了学生的兴趣发展,原因是受学校与考试大纲的限制    8
    3.3.5 选用教学方式时忽视了学生的喜好,原因是教师选择教学方式不当    8
    3.3.6 实施效率不高,原因是教师胜任的与学生感兴趣的选修课不一致,学生任务重    9
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