
    摘要现代短跑起源于欧洲,400 米跑这一项目距今已有 160 多年的历史了,1896年第一届奥运会开始便有了 400 米跑,经过了百年的发展男子共 22 次打破(平)世界记录,女子共 23 次打破(平)世界记录。目前男子的世界记录是美国选手迈克尔•约翰逊在 1999 年在西班牙塞维利亚世界田径锦标赛跑出的43.18s,女子的世界记录是 1985 年民主德国选手玛丽塔•科赫在澳大利亚堪培拉跑出 的 47.60s。但是在我国400米的水平较低优,秀运动员较少,人才储备不足。所以本文想通过对青少年400训练的研究和400m运动项目和青少年运动员身体发育的特殊情况,并通过查阅相关文献资料,总结了近些年来国内青少年400m运动员训练的手段和在训练中应注意的问题。43947


    毕业论文关键词:青少年   400米    训练手段   注意事项

    In this paper        

    Along with the modern athletics professional rules and technology to improve rapidly, China youth high jump also had significantly improve the overall competitive level. Although the high jump movement in China have achieved good results, but the Chinese team in the high jump athletes injury risk alarming. History and status quo to lead us from from the perspective of the high jump sports injury and reserve of high talent reserves to explore the future development of China youth high jump. The development of the teenagers jumper is restricting our high jump the level of competitive sports to improve an important factor. Young athletes only pay attention to the training methods and principles, protect itself and grow up healthily, to constantly add new forces, track and field team in our country to promote the steady and healthy development of athletics sports of our country. Young athletes are in the body's growth and development stage, the stability of each function body is bad, in the process of movement, are vulnerable to injury. For the high jump athletes, knee joint injury is particularly prominent, once the damage is difficult to restore to its original level.

    From exercise physiology, biomechanics and sports training, sports injury and prevention and control, and many other professional disciplines perspective of adolescent high jump athletes training methods and to deeply understand and analysis the cause of knee injuries, on the basis of summarizing their views and countermeasures are put forward.

    Keywords: youth, high jump, the knee joint, sports injury, China

    引言   通过查找大量相关文献,近几年内,我国青少年400米跑的运动成绩,处于一个较高的水平。 目前世界男子400米的纪录是美国选手约翰逊在1999年8月16日于塞维利亚创造的43.18秒;而我国男子400米的纪录是徐自宙在2001年5月24日于日本大阪创造的45.25秒。我国男子400米纪录与世界男子400米纪录相差了2.03秒。同样,世界青年男子 400米的纪录也是由美国选手刘易斯在1988年9月28日于汉城创造的43.87秒;在我国青年男子400米的纪录是则由刘孝生在2007年6月9日于苏州创造的45.79秒。从这两个青年世界纪录的对比中可以看出我国青年男子400米纪录与世界青年男子400米纪录仅相差了1.92秒。由此看来,在同样与世界水平的比较下,我国青少年的400米跑水平更接近于世界水平。


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