
    This paper analyses how to make full use of modern education technology to promote learning motivation of students so that English teachers can cultivate and improve the skills of listening and speaking. However, it is difficult to carry out the way, because traditional ways of English-teaching have impressed on teachers’ minds. Thus, to change the traditional ways is important to add energy and interest in English class.

    II. Theoretical Basis of Applying Multimedia Technology

    2.1 Basis of Psychology
    Human’s learning is a special process of cognition. In accordance with the study of psychology about relevant mechanism, different sensory organs have different functions and performances in getting knowledge, attracting attention and keeping memories. As is shown by Treicher’s experiment, all of human’s organs have abilities to absorb knowledge, but ninety-four percent of knowledge was attained by auditory and visual sense. In human’s organs, visual sense is the one that can make people concentrate. In keeping memories, the combination of auditory sense and visual sense can have great effects. In order to improve the efficiency of English learning, it is necessary to play parts of five sensory organs to obtain knowledge, attract attention and keep memories and so on. By the combination of auditory and visual sense, discussing and communication, we can get the better learning effect. We can use multimedia to go on the training on listening and speaking, which can motivate learners’ perceptual and conceptual knowledge. Learners can see the related words, pictures and even interesting videos, at the same time, they can hear sound. Most importantly, they can operate what they are interested in and want to learn. In addition, the multimedia technology can activate all kinds of active factors in teaching systems. There will be more knowledge students can get by stimulating many organs than the single way of just reading or listening. In the English teaching under the multimedia technology, students not only can do listening practices, but also can begin the combination of all-round and vivid practices about listening, speaking, reading and writing with the help of the multimedia and teaching courseware. They can feedback what they have learned, including knowledge and skills, by discussions or group work. We can make them learn from each other and pass on the experience they have gotten so that learners can obtain the optimal effect, which is good for acquiring knowledge and keeping them.
    2.2 Basis of Constructivism in Learning
    When we make full use of multimedia technology to change the model of English listening and speaking courses and the styles of students’ learning, it is necessary for us to do it under the guidance of the Constructivism to change the traditional delivering instruction and receptive learning and strengthen guidance teaching and the experiential and inquiry-based learning.
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