摘 要 这是一个知识经济高速发展的时代,科学素养的培养已成为广大国民素质的重要方面。如今,如何提高中学生科学素养的教学是国家正在努力实施推行的。我国从20世纪90年代就已将素质教育列入国家发展纲要中,并不断地在改进。学校教学中,也不断在改进教学方式,以培养学生的科学素养为目标。89977
This is an era of knowledge economy high speed development, cultivating scientific literacy has become the important aspect of national quality。 Nowadays, countries are vigorously advancing the teaching of middle school students' scientific literacy。 Quality education in our country since the 1990s have listed in the national development program, and constantly improve。 School teaching, also constantly to improve teaching methods, aim to cultivate the students' scientific literacy。
In order to study the present situation of high school students scientific literacy, this paper is to Hangzhou Wenhai experimental middle school students as the research object, from the students scientific literacy status quo; Middle school students is through what way to improve and develop their scientific literacy; Middle school students' learning styles in three aspects are studied。 Conclude that high school students scientific literacy through the data analysis of the status quo and existing problems, and gives the corresponding Suggestions。
Keywords:scientific literacy;middle school students; actuality;cultivate
1、引言 3
2、科学素养的概述及发展 3
2。1 科学素养的内涵 3
2。2 国内外科学素养理论的发展和研究 4
2。2。1国外科学素养理论的发展和研究 4
2。2。2我国科学素养理论的发展和研究 4
2。2。3提高中学生科学素养的价值和意义 5
3、中学生科学素养现状的调查源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 与分析 5
3。1 调查方法及安排 5
3。2 调查结果与分析 6
3。3 关于中学生科学素养调查过程中的问题总结 18
4、关于中学生科学素养的培养在科学课程中的建议 19
4。1结合科学史提高学生科学素养 19
4。2 结合先进教学提高学生科学素养 19
4。2。1通过实验融入课堂激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生探究能力 19
4。2。2 布置家庭小实验,培养学生独立完成实验的能力 19
4。2。3 转换角色,体现学生主体性 20
4。2。4 大力开展课外活动,培养学生科学素养 20
5、总结 20