

    Abstract Currently,there are few academic research on social work students' professional ability building, which actually lacked a definite index system of students’ professional ability . Even if there is social work capacity building research, which more referring to strengthen students’ practical ability , rather than a integration or analysis of the social work students’ professional ability. This article taking in this way, combined with the existing research results at home and abroad and the author’s own experience of undergraduate education in four years, on the basis of the social work students’ professional ability operationalization building,Through empirical studies assessing the condition of University social work students’ professional ability, further pointed out that the existing problems and get improvement, to truly promote the construction of professional ability for students majoring in social work in colleges and universities.

    毕业论文关键词:高校; 社会工作; 专业能力; 能力建设

    Keyword: colleges and universities; social work; professional ability;ability building

    目    录一、 高校社会工作学生专业能力概念的操作化 4

    (一) 相关概念界定 4

    1.社会工作者 4

    2.专业与专业能力 4

    3.社会工作者的专业能力 4

    (二) 高校社会工作专业学生专业能力的操作化解释 4

    1.专业态度 5

    2.专业知识 5

    3.专业技能 6

    二、高校社会工作专业学生的专业能力状况 7

    (一) 专业态度 7

    (二)专业知识 8

    (三)专业技能 9

    1.沟通与合作能力 9

    2.活动项目的计划与实施 10

    3.解决问题的能力 11

    4.激励与评价能力 11

    5.反思与专业发展能力 12

    三、当前高校社会工作学生专业能力培养的问题及原因 12

    (一) 专业态度培育缺乏 12

    (二) 专业培养目标和规格模糊 13

    (三) 专业课程设置不合理 14

    (四) 专业实践指导和考核不力 15

    (五) 专业能力培训资源匮乏 15

    四、 促进高校社会工作学生专业能力建设的重要策略

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