With the development of globalization, the communication between nations, countries and cultures has been more frequent than before。 In this globalization process, there are lots of barriers such as language gaps and cultural conflicts。 Among all the barriers, taboos play a most important role。 Not only do taboos serve as an invisible discipline restraining the thought and behavior of all nations but also act as a production of cultural communication。 The influence of taboos is more prominent in the communication between Chinese and English。 Chinese is an ancient country with a history of over 5000 years。 Chinese language is a great treasure in human history。 As we all know English is a world common language which is widely used in the world。 There are numerous taboos both in Chinese and English。 Meanwhile, the taboos also cause culture conflicts and culture shocks, we should acquire a better understanding of taboos in different cultures。 

2。 Literature Review

Taboos is an important part in human language。 As a significant aspect in language research and cross-culture communication, researchers and scholars are paying more attention to taboos。 A lot of scholars and linguisticians have already done researches on taboos。 In China, Language anf Social Life(1980),by Chen Yuan, is the first book that mentions taboo。 There are some other books such as Language and Culture-A Comparison Between English and Chinese Language Culture(1989), and Social Linguistics(1983)。 In other countries there are also some researches and books such as The Custom and Language of Social Linguistics(1990), by Crystal David, which conducted a detailed research on taboo in a more persified way。 The research on taboo started late in China while in other countries, it stared much earlier。 Moreover, Chinese researchers still have a lot of new subjects to explore。文献综述

3。 The features of taboos

Taboos come into being with the appearance of human cultures。 During thousands of years of human evolution, taboos have also changed and developed。 Some of the changes and developments are of language and some of them are not。 No matter what the formality is, taboos change with time, area or culture or other factors。 As a result, taboos have been given different features, such as universality, nationality, inheritance and time characteristics。 Some features can be found in explicit taboos, while some need the test of time。 It is the different features that enrich the persity of human culture。

3。1 Universality

As an important aspect of human culture, taboos appear when human civilization comes into being。 In other words, when we are born we live in a society filled with taboos。 Taboos are like air prevailing in the world no matter in remote dessert or in the prosperous city。 Taboos are like water, whether a tranquil stream-let or a majestic river, it can irrigate the wide soil。 Unlike laws, which can be found or referred to in the law books, taboos are much of a big invisible hand restraining the daily behavior of every human。 Laws are not impeccable that it has limitation in some aspects to which taboos can make contribution by its special advantages and make up for the deficiency。 Taboos have a strong control on how people thinks and what they should obey。 Consciously or subconsciously, people are moss or less affected by taboos。 As an significant role in our life, taboos regulate and harmonize the relationship between people and people and the relationship between human and society or even the relationship between human beings and the whole universe。来,自,优.尔:论;文*网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

3。2 Nationality

Around the world, there are over 2000 nations in the world。 After thousands of years’ development, each nations has its unique culture as well as customs, thinking models, religions and backgrounds。 Undoubtedly, the differences of these aspects will be reflected on the language of each nation while the taboo is one of the reflections of language formality。

















