This study is helpful to the translation of idioms, It can make the translation of idioms more accurate, refining, and deepen in the exchange of Chinese and foreign culture, and improve the level of the translator’s translation。 This paper can be pided into five parts。 The first part is introduction。 It introduces research background and present situation of English idioms。 The part two mainly includes the definition of idiom and the rules of skopos theory。 The part three is analysis of idiom translation from the skopos theory。 Which further introduction the cultural effects for idioms translation。 The part four introduces the rhetoric effects in idiom translation。 The last part is the conclusion of this the thesis。文献综述

II。 Studies on Idiom and Skopos Theory

2。1 Idiom

Idioms have various kinds of meanings。 According to Webster’s English-Chinese Dictionary for School Learners in China, an idiom is “an expression found in the usage of language that is peculiar to it’’。 And it is also find defined by Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of current English as’’ 1。(a) phrases or sentences whose meaning are not clear from the meaning of its inpidual words and which must be learn as a whole unit。 2。(a ) language of dialect of a people or country; (b) use of language that’s special to a nation or speakers of a particular language; (c) use of language peculiar to a period or an inpidual’’。 And Collins Cobuild English Dictionary defines an idioms as’’。 1。 a group of words which, when used get together, also have a different meaning from the one suggested by the inpidual words; 2。 linguistic usage that is grammatical and natural to local speakers; 3。 the characteristic vocabulary of usage of a group or person; 4。 the characteristic artistic style of school or an inpidual’’, Similarly, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English puts it in this way: “1。 a phrase which means something different from the meanings of the separate words from which it is formed。 2。 “the mean of expression special of a group or a person in their use of language。’’来:自[优E尔L论W文W网 +QQ752018766-

    As mentioned definition above, we can find several common characteristics through idioms:

(1) Being independent in language, an idiom has a relatively high level of stability of the lexical components。 Generally speaking, any variation in the components will lead to absurdity or even meaninglessness。

















