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时间:2017-01-16 20:06来源:毕业论文

关键词: 保障住房;准公共品;供给对象;供给主体;供给方式
Shanghai Low-income affordable housing supply and demand research
Abstract: With the level of economy and the improvement of living standards, many people dream of having their own house, it has also been increasing living requirements. Under the government’s support, China's housing security system is  gradually perfect, low-income housing conditions gradually improved. In the face of high prices, it is difficult for low-income single to depend on their own strength to solve the housing problem. Although the government has increased security efforts, the application of economic housing, low-cost housing, public rental housing policy,  the implementation effect is not ideal, the housing difficulties phenomenon still exists in a large amount.
   From the protection of housing attributes as quasi-public goods, it is not difficult to see that the number of security, housing security object is restrictions and requirements, therefore ensuring the supply of housing should be started from security object, clear the scope of protection, the different needs of different security object refinement. From the point of view of security housing safeguard and public welfare, the government should play the main role in the supply, improve the security functions, to provide multi-level security system.
Keywords: housing, public goods, supply, supply main body, supply mode
目  录
  1 绪论      1
    1.1 选题背景与研究意义       1
 1.1.1 选题背景     1
 1.1.2 研究意义     2
    1.2 文献综述       2
 1.2.1 国外研究现状        3    
 1.2.2 国内研究现状        4
     1.3 研究视角       5    
 1.3.1 中低收入阶层        5    
 1.3.2 准公共品     6
 1.3.3 保障住房供给        6        
 2 保障住房及其准公共品属性分析    7
     2.1 保障住房的概述        7    
 2.1.1 保障住房的含义       7    
 2.1.2 保障住房的形式        8 经济适用住房     8 廉租住房        10 限价房    12    
      2.2 保障住房的准公共品特征    14 中低收入阶层保障性住房供给与需求研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_2333.html